Not All Training Content is Equal

Not All Training Content is Equal

It’s 10:38 on an average Tuesday morning. You’re just settling into your second cup of coffee when you hear a sound that makes your blood run cold: the siren that signals a hazardous materials release in the laboratory. As you rush through crowds of evacuating...
To Continuously Improve, Study Your Results

To Continuously Improve, Study Your Results

Woohoo! You’ve just launched a new training program and rolled it out to the organization. Time for high fives, right? Not so fast… If you’ve been learning about Lean, you know that all problem solving activities are guided by the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle, in...
You CAN Train for Mistake-Free Performance

You CAN Train for Mistake-Free Performance

In my conference talks, I often say one of the ultimate goals of corporate learning is that employees will never make a mistake on the job. And, when I say it, I always get a big mix of laughs, snorts, and head-shaking. “Never happen,” people say. Well, go tell that...
One-Learner Flow for Efficient Knowledge Transfer

One-Learner Flow for Efficient Knowledge Transfer

During a recent lunch with one of my Lean for Training certification candidates, we discussed a key Lean concept that had really caught her attention. It’s called “one-piece flow” and it means to satisfy individual customer demand immediately or, to...
Mindful Habits for 7 Lean Practices

Mindful Habits for 7 Lean Practices

Todd’s Been Awfully Quiet Lately. What’s He Been Up to? Well, one of several really cool things I’ve been doing in 2018 is writing my new ebook, Mindful Habits for 7 Lean Practices (another thing I’ve been up to is applying Lean to EH&S and...